Trippy Me

Trippy Me

Let’s Goooooo checkout my site!!!


What to expect

This site will be my main platform to share all the different content that I’ve been working on. It’ll be a place to buy prints of my artwork, the home of my brand “Trippy Me” & a TON of artwork/concept’s for passion projects such as “Fire & Bones”. This site will be ever changing & will only get better through time, Enjoy.


What’s “Trippy Me” ?

What’s “Trippy Me” ?

Trippy Me” is not only the name of this site but the name of my upcoming clothing brand. It is a term that I came up with, it being another way of saying happy, positive, feeling good & it’s pretty much a state of mind. I want to make a change through my creativity. Art can sometimes be overlooked because it’s polluted with artists who are pretentious & making millions on art that’s annoying to look at & not that impressive. Throughout my career I want to spread positivity & promote self improvement not only through my art but also this website. A community where people can give their thoughts on anything & to help one another. On a side note, I’m heavily inspired by cartoons and the amount of fun it can bring. I’d say my art style is very fun & colorful, “Trippy Me” clothing will also be the same. The style of clothing will be street wear casual, if the clothing isn’t something I’d personally wear then what’s the point? Absolutely can’t wait to incorporate my artistic talents into clothing and to add something new to the industry :)

  • Regarding my Art Style

    My style has developed over time & it’s pretty distinct with it’s own kind of look. I’ve always been mainly a cartoonist but over the past few years “surrealism” is an element I like to incorporate as well. Surrealism is a unique style of art that most would describe as “dream-like”. My goal is to have the viewer get lost in the artwork & to really wonder about it. A Surrealistic art piece can be so mesmerizing that I feel as if I’m looking into some other world or dimension. That strange feeling is one I’d like to incorporate most of the time, the feeling of awe & wonder. To have someone potentially stop in their tracks over an art piece of mine would mean the world to me, that’s the goal.

  • Influences

    Touching back on Surrealism, to me it’s easily the most interesting style out there. As I said before it truly is dreamlike, it captures the most inner abstract thoughts of an artist. Many refer it as dreamlike because of how random, unexplainable & shrouded in mystery it can be. Giving off that same feeling along with a cartoon style makes it all the more fun.

    When you think about it, all art styles stem down from an artist being influenced by not only the world around them but also other art someone has created. Just like many growing up, cartoons played a huge part in my upbringing. Although I still watch cartoons, the shows I grew up on played the biggest influence on my style of art. Cartoons of the late 90’s to the 2000’s & early 2010’s were so unique from one another & there were so many great shows for kids to watch.

  • The Cartoon Shows of my upbringing

    Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon were the main networks to watch back then & still are today. I kept tabs on all the shows I could possibly watch, although some will keep my appreciation for the rest of my life. The main shows that are near & dear to my heart are “SpongeBob”, “Ed,Edd & Eddy”, “Billy & Mandy”, “Chowder”, “Courage the Cowardly Dog”, “Flapjack”, “Avatar the Last Airbender” & finally “Adventure Time”. Now that may be a handful of a list but “Flapjack”, “Adventure Time” & “Billy & Mandy” are easily the most influential towards my style. Each show being so odd, hilarious, stylistically unique & packed with monsters!

  • What I think my Art Style will be in the future

    Like I said before, pretty much all art styles are developed over time through inspiration of others & the world around you. I’m young, my style won’t remain the same unless I stay stagnant. As of right now I love where it’s at. The style I have now is very eclectic and usually isn’t straight forward, as the years go by I’d like to think it’ll only be more of that. If I truly want to be great at what I do have I have to truly know that I’m progressing as an artist. That means more risk taking and trying out different looks & mediums such as sculptures, getting better at painting and trying out oil pastels more. Anything that I think will only accentuate my current style and grabbing a stronger hold on the target audience. I want the viewer to be glued to the canvas, as an artist the absolute last thing I’d want is for the viewer to be quickly bored and to be like “eh, I get it”.

The Trippy Me Self Portrait

This here is a self portrait I’ve done that I feel best encapsulates what’s on my mind regarding my brand and how I feel about my approach on life. The left side is my current young self while the other side is my possible oldest self. To me this portrait is a reflection of a young man with a dream valuing his time. The old side of me definitely seems to represent time and urgency, showing how much I value my life. I definitely love sitting back and figuring out different ways to show different looks, Instead of just adding a simple eye on each side, I felt adding my eyes on one side would make things more intriguing. While the clock that seemingly looks like a third eye, represents the time & urgency I noted earlier. The coins and money printing out of the mouth seems to represent my excitement towards the monetary gain from the brand, which will make me a full time artist soon.

  • My Passion Project

    The year is 2017 and I’m a distracted 17 year old in the computer room of my High School. As a young kid feeling the itch of creativity, I decided to whip out a small leather sketchbook & simply started to doodle as a cartoonist does. Little would I know, these three silly characters are now the leading forces to my passion project.

    The decision on the title for this project is still ongoing, “Fire & Bones” seems to be the best working title at the moment since I feel it really encapsulates it’s fun Adventurous tone. I’ve always known I wanted to be someone who creates animated shows or graphic novels, but to actually feel like I have “lightning in a bottle” feels just so unreal. Sure, I’ll have more ideas; Ideas can come and go but if you truly stick to something you feel is special, cmon who knows where it can go :)

  • What’s it about?

    So, I may not know exactly how the story ends and plays out but as of now I do have an idea of how it starts. So in the center of Planet Earth, there’s a hidden world. A place filled with a seemingly infinite amount of mystery & wonder.

    Long ago there was a war of complete total chaos involving Kingdoms of creatures & beings. The reason for this war has yet to be understood to me. What I know for sure is a large faction of Traveling Magic user’s banded together & Magically raised all of the Kingdoms’s Land floating high in the sky separate from each other, thus ending conflict for many ages & waging peace.

    Now For a long while now I’ve wanted to change my characters in a big way. Originally my two main characters “Gustavo & Sneeb” were two Demons. Reminding that these characters started as harmless doodles in junior high, over time I’ve lost interest in that choice. Them being Demons made me lose interest & would garner less of an audience. It felt less inviting as the target audience would be kids and young adults, furthermore it didn’t align with my faith.

    For a long time now I’ve had interest of “Gustavo & Sneeb” being Goblins instead, now so much more interest and ideas have been brewing for me to share with you the audience.

  • The Star Character’s

    Sneeb - Being the main character of the story, Sneeb is a friendly Goblin who becomes the unlikely hero. For his small size, he makes up for it with his natural ability of Magic. With his newfound abilities and courage, he’s able to help others in need.

    Gustavo - A heroic Goblin who is Sneeb’s good friend. With his natural ability of super strength, Gustavo wishes to help others in need as well. With his passion for heroism and to run a “Monster Exterminator” contracting business, this unlikely duo can save the day for many.

    Z The Cyborg - A mysterious supporting character for the heroic duo, an ally who’s origins are yet to be discovered. A curious character with an Egg shaped body, high tech, and a floating talking head in a glass tank…

Previous “Fire & Bones” Art Gallery

Special Thank you! The support for my passion is forever appreciated. Thank you all.